The Inclusion Diet

Those who suffer from allergies or digestive ailments are familiar with exclusion diets, a technique used to isolate intake to identify the cause of the problem. Tedious, torturous, and just plain boring, nobody enjoys the prescriptive exclusion diet. Yet many healthy people willingly choose exclusion diets entirely on their own! Meat, vegetables, carbs, dairy, each…

A turnip for the worse

As a vegetarian and general healthy person, I once claimed that I never met a vegetable I didn’t like. Even the most difficult vegetables, like broccoli rabe, I started to crave new ways I could eat. Then came the day when I made a medley of roots stew. See, I knew that my fellow eaters…

On par cooking

I eschew par cooking.  Nothing seems so tedious or redundant to me than cooking something prior to cooking something.  Recipes that ask you to fill a big pot of water, wait for it to come to a boil so you can then par boil ingredients in batches, shock them in another big bowl of ice…

Neo-grading retro recipes

Most cooks have time tested family heirloom recipes.  But contrary to the grandma stereotype of an aproned woman rolling dough or stirring a simmering pot with a heavy wooden spoon for hours, many of our modern family recipes came from a processed food package. They call for cans of condensed soup, frozen vegetable medleys and…

Situation to solution

Five common kitchen quagmires Situation 1.  You alternate between the same tried and true dishes, have done so for years, and though everyone else likes them…you’re bored. Situation 2. You have favorite ingredients that find their way into everything you make. Thus, everything you make tastes the same. Situation 3. You enjoy trying new recipes,…